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Country - Romania
Summary - Elaboration Of Design Documentation Phase D.T.A.C.+D.T.A.D.+D.T.O.E.+P.T.+D.D.E.+Technical Assistance From The Designer According To H.G. No. 907/2016, Bundled With The Execution Of Works On The Investment Objective "Siret Bărăgan Main Canal Stage I, Tronson Km 0+000 – Km 23+372", Vrancea County
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 95892210
Product classification - Irrigation works
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 95892210
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The estimated value of the contract according to the general estimate approved for "Elaboration of design documentation phase D.T.A.C.+D.T.A.D.+D.T.O.E.+P.T.+D.D.E.+Technical assistance from the designer according to H.G. no. 907/2016, b undled with the execution of works on the investment objective "SIRET BĂRĂGAN MAIN CANAL STAGE I, TRONSON KM 0+000 – KM 23+372", VRANCEA COUNTY" The estimated value of the investment objective is 1,000,534,070, 16 lei without VAT, within which the offer of the following chapters of the General Estimate will be considered: Chapter. 2 Expenses for the provision of utilities necessary for the investment objective Chap. 3 Costs for design and tec
Gt Ref Id - 95892210
Deadline - Nov 29, 2024
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