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To, All Approved Vendor for Electric. Dear Sir, Notice of Invitation of Tender Reg: Electric work at BO Majhaulia, West Champaran, Located under CO Champaran (Motihari), ZO Patna. Sealed Bids on item rate basis are invited from your firm for above mentioned work at BO Majhaulia, West Champaran against payment of tender fee of Rs. 590/- (Non-Refundable i/c 18% GST) through bank crossed Demand Draft payable at Motihari. Tender fee to be submitted along with Tender document in separate envelope. 2. SUBMISSION OF TENDERS 2.1 The Bids are to be submitted in three separate envelopes each sealed and clearly super scribed as to envelope number and contents as indicated below. All the three envelopes shall be contained in a large envelope super scribed “Electric work at BO Majhaulia”. Bidders have been provided one set of tender documents comprising of general items & conditions Part-A (for envelope No.2) and schedule of quantities, Part-B (for Envelope No.3) for submission of their tender. 2.2 Bidders must ensure before submitting their tender that the tender document including corrigendum (if any) has been duly signed and stamped on each page as per instructions. 2.3 ENVELOPE NO.1 Envelope No.1 shall contain Cost of Tender Document of Rs. 590/- (Rupees Five Hundred Ninty Only) (including GST), in the form of Demand Draft which shall be nonrefundable along with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 6,200/- (Rupees Six thousand two hundred only) (2% of project cost) by crossed Demand Draft/ Pay Order from scheduled commercial bank, payable at Motihari and drawn in favor of Punjab National Bank and to be submitted with Envelope-I. This envelope shall be super scribed “Tender Cost and EMD for Electric work at BO Majhaulia” 2.4 ENVELOPE NO.2 Envelope No.2 shall contain tender document (Part ‘A’), having each page and correction duly signed by tenderer including tender form duly filled in, complete details and description including all data are to be supplied by Bidders as specified in the information and instructions to tenderers. This envelope shall be superscribed “Envelope No.2, for the work of Electric work at BO Majhaulia” 2.5 ENVELOPE NO.3 Envelope No.3 shall contain only Schedule of Quantities (Part “B”) and prices duly filled in and signed on each page by the Bidder. This envelope shall be superscribed “Envelope No.3, Price bid for the work of “Electric work at BO Majhaulia” 3. Sealed Bids as above will be received in the office of the Circle Head, Punjab National Bank, Circle Office, Ujjawal Complex, 3RD Floor, Above V Bazar, Chandmari Chowk, सामाɊ सेवाएँ Ůशासन अनुभाग , मंडल कायाŊलय : चंपारण (मोितहारी) Motihari, East Champaran, PIN- 845401 up to 15:00 Hrs. on 23.04.2024 Envelope No.1, 2 & 3 will be opened on the same day at 17:00 Hrs. 4. Bids received late on account of any reason whatsoever and telegraphic bids shall not be entertained in any case whatsoever. 5. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 6,200/- (Rupees Six thousand two hundred only) (2% of project cost subject to a minimum of Rs.2500/-) by crossed Demand Draft/ Pay Order from scheduled commercial bank, payable at Motihari and drawn in favor of Punjab National Bank. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) & Tender purchase fee of ₹590/- (non-refundable towards cost of tender and i/c GST @ 18%) in form of Demand Draft in favor of Punjab National Bank, payable at Motihari, have to be submitted in a separate envelope along with the hard copy of Technical Bid before last date and time of physical bid submission. Tenders without EMD and tender fee in the form of Bank draft will be summarily rejected as NON-RESPONSIVE. 6. The Bid shall be valid for a period of not less than 90 days after the date of opening of the commercial bid. 7. For any further information/queries please contact Sunny Kumar, Dy. Manager. Mob: 7870410879, e-mail: The site may also be inspected on any working day from 08.04.2024 to 23.04.2024 only with prior permission of Bank. 8. The Bank shall not be bound to accept the lowest bid and reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the bids at any stage without assigning any reasons whatsoever. 9. The bidder shall indicate no commercial or technical condition or qualification of any sort in the bid otherwise the bid shall be liable to be rejected summarily. 10. Approximate cost of work: Rs. 3,08,029/- exclusive of GST as applicable. Rates quoted by the firm /bidder in the commercial bid should be exclusive of GST. Chief Manager सामाɊ सेवाएँ Ůशासन अनुभाग , मंडल कायाŊलय : चंपारण (मोितहारी) LETTER SUBMITTING TENDER Asstt. General Manager / Chief Manager, Punjab National Bank, Circle Office Champaran (Motihari) Dear Sir, Reg: Electric work at BO Majhaulia, West Champaran. 1. Having visited the site and examined the drawings, conditions of contract, special conditions of contract, general specifications and detailed specifications, schedules and bill of quantities for the execution of the above named works, we offer to complete and maintain the whole of the said works in conformity with the said drawings, conditions of contract, specifications, schedules and bill of quantities for the sum stated in bill of quantities of this Tender Document or such other sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the said conditions of contract. 2. We undertake to complete and deliver the whole of the works comprised in the contract within the stipulated time stated in the tender. 3. We have independently considered the amount of liquidated damages of tender hereto and agree that it represents a fair estimate of the loss likely to be suffered by you in the event of the works not being completed in time.
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