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Electrical Materials

AZƏRBAYCAN RESPUBLIKASI DOVLƏT SƏRHƏD XIDMƏTI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Electrical Materials in Energy, Power and Electrical. The tender was released on Feb 20, 2025.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Electrical Materials

Deadline - Mar 17, 2025

GT reference number - 103643987

Product classification - Cable distribution cabinet

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103643987

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Electrical Materialslocal title:: Elektrik materialları lot_details: 1: Kabel 2x2,5 TTR, 2: 2x4 ttr cable, 3: Kabel 2x6 TTR, 4: Kabel 4x4 TTR, 5: Kabel 4x6 TTR, 6: Cable 4x163X16S / 10 (aliminium) Nayy, 7: Cable 4x25 (aliminum) Nayy (3 x25S / 16p, 8: Avtomat 32 a, 9: Avtomat 3p 50 a, 10: Avtomat 3p 63 a, 11: Avtomat 3p 100 a, 12: Avtomat 1p 16 a, 13: Avtomat 1p 20 A, 14: Avtomat 1p 25 a, 15: Avtomat 1p 32 a, 1: Electricity Sites 12 Located (Plasmas), 2: Electricity Sitta 6 Located (Plasmas), 3: Electrical Sitta 4 Located (Plasmas), 4: Electric key n2 eyed, 5: ELECTRIC SUPPLY N2 EYE, 6: Electrical boss E27 Keramik, 7: Electric hand separation 63 A 2-sided 3 Fazlı, 8: Electric h

Gt Ref Id - 103643987

Deadline - Mar 17, 2025

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