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Country - Brazil
Summary - Electronic Auction - Hiring A Company, On Demand, To Provide A Travel Agency Service, Specializing In Issuing National, Intercity And, Eventually, International Airline Tickets, As Well As Interstate And Intercity Land Tickets, Including Reservation, Issue, Booking Services , Rescheduling, Cancellation, Delivery Of Electronic Tickets (E-Ticket) And International Travel Assistance Insurance, With A Proposal For A Lower Agency Fee.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 71274406
Product classification - Tickets
Address - Brazil
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 71274406
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - DEFENSORIA PĂBLICA GERAL DO ESTADO DO ACRE/AC has released a Invitation for Bids for Electronic Auction - Hiring A Company, On Demand, To Provide A Travel Agency Service, Specializing In Issuing National, Intercity And, Eventually, International Air line Tickets, As Well As Interstate And Intercity Land Tickets, Including Reservation, Issue, Booking Services , Rescheduling, Cancellation, Delivery Of Electronic Tickets (E-Ticket) And International Travel Assistance Insurance, With A Proposal For A Lower Agency Fee.
Gt Ref Id - 71274406
Deadline - Sep 19, 2023
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