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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Electronics Details Of Blocks Belonging To Marker Devices
Deadline - Apr 04, 2025
GT reference number - 104098490
Product classification - Diodes
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104098490
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Electronics Details Of Blocks Belonging To Marker Deviceslocal title:: İşarəverici qurğulara məxsus blokların elektronika detalları lot_details: 1: Resistor, 2: Resistor, 3: Resistor, 4: Rezistor 1206 sample book (smd), 5: Konden sator 1206 sample book (smd), 6: Kondensator 0805 sample book (smd), 7: Electrolyte condenser, 8: Electrolyte condenser, 9: Condenser tantal, 10: Kondensator keramik, 11: Kondensator keramik, 12: Diod M1-M4-M7-SS14 to S2M, 13: Diod diode, 14: Diod protective diod 1,5KE36A, 15: Diod protective diod 1,5KE64A, 1: Diod protective diod 1,5KE180A, 2: Diod Diod bridge, 3: Inanition, 4: Inanition, 5: Inanition, 6: Tranzistor PZT2222, 7: Tranzistor ready,
Gt Ref Id - 104098490
Deadline - Apr 04, 2025
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