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Country - Finland
Summary - Espoon Asunnot Oy / Savikuja 2 Demolition Contract
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 96229090
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Finland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 96229090
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The demolition site includes nine 1- or 2-story concrete and wooden frame townhouses. The water covering of the buildings is a sheet metal roof and the facades are partly brick and wood-clad concrete walls and partly brick and wood-clad wood-framed walls. The courtyard buildings are mainly wood-framed, wood-clad buildings.There are a total of 32 apartments in the destination, the total area of the apartment is about 2452 m2 and the volume is about 8789 m3.All buildings, structures, pavements of parking lots and walkways, yard and parking lot equipment will be demolished.Demolition work includes all usual demolition work, harmful substance demolition work, foundation demoli
Gt Ref Id - 96229090
Deadline - Nov 14, 2024
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