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Establishment Of A Panel Of Individual External Experts To Provide Expertise In Agriculture, Food And Sustainability Systems

DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOOD AND THE MARINE Ireland has Released a tender for Establishment Of A Panel Of Individual External Experts To Provide Expertise In Agriculture, Food And Sustainability Systems in Energy, Power and Electrical. The tender was released on Feb 08, 2021.

Country - Ireland

Summary - Establishment Of A Panel Of Individual External Experts To Provide Expertise In Agriculture, Food And Sustainability Systems

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 10311021

Product classification - Control panels

Organization Details:

  Address - Ireland

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 10311021

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Tenders are invited for sfsi (sustainable food systems ireland) is a consortium of public bodies that are responsible for the agriculture (including aquaculture) and food sectors in ireland. The sfsi consortium members are: department of agriculture, foodthe marine teagasc - the agriculturefood development authority food safety authority of ireland bord bia - the irish food board enterprise irelandAll sfsi consortium members are contracting authorities in their own rights.The department of agriculture, food and the marine is an sfsi consortium member. the department of agriculture, food and the marine (dafm) (the "contracting authority") is issuing this request to participate ("rtp") in a dy

Gt Ref Id - 10311021

Deadline - Feb 01, 2025

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