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Country - Netherlands
Summary - European Non-Public Tender Procedure For The New Construction Of The Zevenster Primary School In Denekamp. Architectural Design And Consultancy Work.
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 92953634
Product classification - Advisory architectural services
Address - Netherlands
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 92953634
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: One of the schools of Stichting Katholiek Onderwijs Noord Oost Twente, is Basisschool de Zevenster, located at Meester Muldersstraat 45 in Denekamp.Konot, together with the municipality of Dinkelland, have decided to realize replacement new construction in 2 floors on the site, located opposite the current location. The current location can continue to serve as "temporary housing" during the realization of the new construction.For the architectural design and consultancy work (which is understood to mean: Architect incl. parties to be deployed by the Tenderer itself or by the Tenderer for Urban Development advice, Landscape architecture [for this the Client has already chosen OD
Gt Ref Id - 92953634
Deadline - Sep 26, 2024
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