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Country - Italy
Summary - European Open Electronic Tender Procedure, Divided Into 6 Lots - Esfri Ri Resilience (Itserr) Project - Retina Action: Religious Texts In The Nile Valley And Beyond (Wp Retina)
Deadline - Mar 03, 2025
GT reference number - 102815988
Product classification - Geological and geophysical instruments
Address - Italy
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102815988
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: European open electronic tender procedure, divided into 6 lots - ESFRI RI RESILIENCE (ITSERR) project - ReTINA action: Religious Texts In the Nile vAlley and Beyond (WP ReTINA)local title:: Gara europea a procedura telematica aperta, sud divisa in 6 lotti - Progetto ESFRI RI RESILIENCE (ITSERR) - azione ReTINA: Religious Texts In the Nile vAlley and Beyond (WP ReTINA)Contract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Gara europea a procedura telematica aperta, suddivisa in 6 lotti - Progetto ESFRI RI RESILIENCE (ITSERR)- azione ReTINA: Religious Texts In the Nile vAlley and Beyond (WP ReTINA) lot_details: 1: Microscopy, 2: Laboratory Tools, 3: Robotic Detection Station, 4: Portable Scan
Gt Ref Id - 102815988
Deadline - Mar 03, 2025
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