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Country - Ukraine
Summary - Examination Gloves, Latex, Powder-Free, Size M, Minimum Cuff Length, 240 Mm, With A Roller On The Cuff,Injection Syringe, 2-Component, Disposable, Sterile, Safe, 20 Ml, With A Needle Lock Cap, With Two Needles,Gauze Bandage (100% Cotton) Non-Sterile, 7M X 14Cm, … More
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GT reference number - 98891286
Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Address - Ukraine
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98891286
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Examination gloves, latex, powder-free, size M, minimum cuff length, 240 mm, with a roller on the cuff Injection syringe, 2-component, disposable, sterile, safe, 20 ml, with a needle lock cap, with two needles Gauze bandage (100% cotton) non-sterile, 7m x 14cm, 70% linenlocal title:: Рукавички оглядові, з латексу, без пудри, розмір M, мінімальна довжина манжети, 240 мм, З валиком на манжеті,Шприц ін'єкційний, 2-х компонентний, одноразовий, стерильний, безпечний, 20 мл, з ковпачком для блокування голки, з дво
Gt Ref Id - 98891286
Deadline - Dec 17, 2024
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