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Country - Germany
Summary - Exchange Wooden Planks Against New 55Mm High Grp Bohlen Cover For 3 Bridges In The Bielefeld City Area In Green Areas (In25-009)
Deadline - Mar 14, 2026
GT reference number - 105015741
Product classification - Footbridge construction work
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 105015741
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Exchange wooden planks against new 55mm high GRP books for 3 bridges in green areaslocal title:: Austausch Holzbohlenbelag gegen neuen 55mm hohen GFK-Bohlenbelag bei 3 Brücken im Bielefelder Stadtgebiet in Grünanlagen (IN25-009)local d escription: : Austausch Holzbohlenbelag gegen neuen 55mm hohen GFK-Bohlenbelag bei 3 Brücken in Grünanlagen lot_details: 1: Exchange wooden planks against new 55mm high GRP Bohlen cover for 3 bridges in the Bielefeld city area in green areas (in25-009)
Gt Ref Id - 105015741
Deadline - Mar 14, 2026
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