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Country - Poland
Summary - Expansion Of The It Network
Deadline - Mar 14, 2025
GT reference number - 104496093
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104496093
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Enquira contentWe invite you to submit an offer for the expansion of the IT network for the needs of MES at the Tokai Cobex Polska sp.z o.o. in RacibórzA. Scope1. As part of the MES project, the existing infrastructure with x access poi nts and the necessary infrastructure at points related to this task should be expanded. I. Masses and adhesives (IDF-12)- Damaged patch-patch of copper wiring should be replaced with the necessary measurements and if necessary replacement of the marking on the sockets.II. CD Prague (IDF-69)- buildings of 2 network sockets in the operator desktop at the CD press hall (Rittal 600x1600x36mm +plinth III. Młynnia AB -Biura (IDF -15)- building an addi
Gt Ref Id - 104496093
Deadline - Mar 14, 2025
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