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Country - United States
Summary - Fire Alarm & Sub Systems Testing/Inspection
Deadline - Dec 30, 2024
GT reference number - 99627503
Product classification - Facilities management services
Address - United States
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99627503
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The work consists of providing all labor, equipment, material, transportation, and supervision as required to: Conduct quarterly, semi-annual, and annual inspections on all fire suppression systems according to Local, State and NFPA guid elines and regulations, for the following Coast Guard units. USCG SECTOR DELAWARE BAY USCG STATION ATLANTIC CITY USCG STATION GREAT EGG USCG STATION MANASQUAN INLET USCG STATION BARNEGAT LIGHT USCG STATION TOWNSEND INLET USCG STATION FORTESCUE USCG STATION INDIAN RIVER MSD LEWES (SEE ENCL 01: As these units are not centrally located)local title:: FIRE ALARM & SUB SYSTEMS TESTING/INSPECTIONlocal description: : The work consists of providing all la
Gt Ref Id - 99627503
Deadline - Dec 30, 2024
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