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Country - Germany
Summary - Flood Protection Measures M 1.14 On The Zwönitz In Burkhardtsdorf - Vge M 1.14 D, Ntv 02
Deadline - Jan 01, 2025
GT reference number - 99964794
Product classification - Canal construction
Address - Germany
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99964794
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: approx. 150 m² of shoring, approx. 21 m of cofferdam, approx. 200 m³ of construction road, approx. 465 m³ of excavated earth, approx. 150 m³ of liquid soil, approx. 2 core drillings up to DN 500, approx. 1 special shaft structure, ap prox. 61 m of reinforced concrete channel in various dimensions, approx. 12 m of ductile iron pipe DN 400, approx. 1 shaft DN 1200, approx. 2 stationary flood pumps including control technology, approx. 66 m² of asphalt base layer, approx. 66 m² of split mastic surface layer, approx. 58 m² of concrete paving, approx. 55 m of curbs (partial delivery and installation), approx. 55 m2 of natural stone paving area, approx. 240 m² of topsoil, appro
Gt Ref Id - 99964794
Deadline - Jan 01, 2025
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