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Buyer: Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University Jalgaon SUB:for Supply of Refrigerator CLOSING DATE:31/03/2023 COUNTRY:INDIA sealed quotations are invited in the prescribed proforma duly super senoeo the envelop - “Quotation” for the supply of the equipment/lnstrumcnt. a dcta.led desenpt,on of Sr. No^ Equipment/lnstrumcnt Quantity Technical Speciiicauons 1. Refrigerator 02 1. Frost Free, Multi-Door: Alpha Steel, Auto defrost to stop icebuild up Alpha Steel 2. Capacity 240 L- 260L 3. Warranty: 1 year on product, 10 years on compressor 4. User manual. Warranty card Sr. No. 1. Details of OLD Refrigerator Quantity Equipment / Instrument Buy Back Refrigerator for BUY-BACK _ _ Technical_Specifications 1. Make-Godrcg,235L.Year 2004 2. Make -JIaier, 170L.Year 2005 J TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. If the supplier desires to quote rates of the various brands pertaining to the above equipment and its accessories, detailed description thereof is needed. The equipment will be accepted only if it conforms to the specifications and/or selection by the University. The University reserves the right to reject the equipment if found unsatisfactory/not as per the specifications. In case, the equipment is rejected by the University’, responsibility towards expenditure incurred thereon shall not rest on the University and expenditure will be defrayed by the suppliers only. The catalogue price list, giving full details and the rates of taxes, if any, should be quoted separately In case, the price list is inclusive of sale tax, a mention to that effect is clearly made Jalgaon Municipal Council has been kind enough to exempt this University from levying of octroi duty and as and when demanded, a certificate to that effect will be issued and as such octroi charges should not be levied and the price should be exclusive of octroi duty. The supplier while taking order for supply of equipment is required to deposit 1% amount of the total cost and/or 5% retention amount if need arises. In case, an agreement is required to be entered into, the same will have to be made. . ■■ While quoting the rates, the supplier should bear in mind the condition of home delivery; necessitating transportation charges to be bom by the supplier only. In case, a supplier fails to supply the equipment and/or refuses to make supply even after placing the order on him. the equipment will be purchased from the other supplier and in an event, the University is required to suffer any loss in such a transaction. die first supplier shall have to bear the cost difference to the extent of loss suffered by the University. . The payment in respect of all instruments and equipment (electrical, electronics, scientific, mechanical etc.) will be made only after the same has been satisfactorily installed, demonstrated, commissioned and/or duly approved by the ‘Technical Advisor’ of the University. In case of imported equipment, payment will be made through irrevocable letter of credit. In case the excise duty is charged, the GP-1 form must be enclosed along with the bill. . The firms falling under the sale tax act and shop act are only eligible to send the quotations. It is essential on the part of the supplier to mention the sale tax registratioiVcertificatc no. and shop act no. in the quotations and bills. The conditions of suppliers with regard to the payment through bank and condition of advance payment will not be accepted in any circumstances. The payment will be made by cheque only. The quotations addressed in the name of ‘Director, School of Environmental and Earth Sciences, KBC.NMU, Jalgaon. should reach the University office within Twenty one days of issuing of this notice i.e. on or before 31/03/2023. Quotations received by fax will not be accepted. Also, quotations received (i.e. after due da ) The U°ni^raity re^rves the right to accept or reject the quotations without assigning any reasons Whitequoting the rates, detailed bifurcation such as basic price, excise-duty, sales-tax & GST WeUha^g^en exempted from payment of excise-duty payable on^“tenrific eW^ent^ instruments required for research projects. The maximum rate of sales-tax payable by us is 8 against ‘I’ form. \ . |