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Country - Turkey
Summary - Forest Product Stacking Service Will Be Procured Forest Management Directorate-Kalkim Other Special Budget Organizations General Directorate Of Forestry
Deadline - Jan 06, 2025
GT reference number - 99533313
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Turkey
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99533313
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: 13000 m3 Coniferous - Leafy Logs, Wire Poles, Mine Poles, Industrial Wood, Paper Wood, 5000 ster Coniferous - Leafy Bark Paper Wood, Fiber-Chip Wood, Firewood, PoleDetailed information can be accessed from the administrative specificatio ns in the tender document in EKAP.local title:: ORMAN EMVALİ İSTİFLEME HİZMETİ ALINACAKTIRORMAN İŞLETME MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ-KALKIM DİĞER ÖZEL BÜTÇELİ KURULUŞLAR ORMAN GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : 13000 m3 İbreli - Yapraklı Tomruk, Tel Direği, Maden Direği, Sanayi Odunu, Kağıtlık Odun, 5000 ster İbreli - Yapraklı Kabuklu Kağıtlık Odun, Lif-Yonga Odunu, Yakacak Odun, SırıkAyrıntılı bilgi
Gt Ref Id - 99533313
Deadline - Jan 06, 2025
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