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Country - Uzbekistan
Summary - Form A5+ Paper 90 Grams Of Clotes With A Numbering Number 4+ 4 Laser Printing With Laminated 3D Varnish Bigovka After Printing Quality 100 %
Deadline - Mar 06, 2026
GT reference number - 104542186
Product classification - Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
Address - Uzbekistan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104542186
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Form A5+ Paper 90 Grams Of Clotes With A Numbering Number 4+ 4 Laser Printing With Laminated 3D Varnish Bigovka After Printing Quality 100 %local title:: Формать А5+ бумага 90 гр cолотес с номератсия п чать 4+4 лазерный печать с ламинатсия 3D лак биговка после печать Качество 100 % lot_details: 1: Orders Blanki
Gt Ref Id - 104542186
Deadline - Mar 06, 2026
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