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Country - Romania
Summary - Framework Agreement: Current Inspections And Accidental Repairs For Electronic Equipment And Electric Drives Of Locomotives Lot 1 - "Current Inspections (Rc) And Accidental Repairs (Ra) Of Electronic Equipment On Modernized Locomotives" Lot 2- "Current Inspections" (Rc) And Accidental Repairs (Ra) Of Electric Drives Of Locomotives (Water Pumps, Screw Compressors)
Deadline - Jan 23, 2025
GT reference number - 100317029
Product classification - Repair and maintenance services of locomotives
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100317029
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Repair of locomotives, according to the requirements of specifications 8284/ELCFU/07.11.2024.The contracting authority will respond clearly and completely to all clarification requests on the 11th day before the deadline set for the subm ission of offers.The number of days until which clarifications can be requested before the deadline for submitting offers: 18.local title:: Acord Cadru: Revizii curente şi reparaţii accidentale pentru echipamente electronice şi acţionări electrice locomotiveLot 1 - ,,Revizii Curente (RC) și Reparații Accidentale (RA) echipamente electronice pe locomotive modernizate” Lot 2- ,,Revizii Curente”(RC) și reparații accidentale(RA) acțion
Gt Ref Id - 100317029
Deadline - Jan 23, 2025
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