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Country - Belgium
Summary - Framework Agreement For Collecting Mixed Building Rubble On The Recycling Parks, Transporting, Skipping And Sorting That Waste Via A Sorting Line And The Removal To Recognized Processors
Deadline - Apr 22, 2025
GT reference number - 104801065
Product classification - Refuse disposal and treatment
Address - Belgium
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104801065
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The aim of this assignment is to conclude a framework agreement for collecting mixed building rubble on the recycling parks, transporting, skipping and sorting that waste via a sorting line and the removal to recognized processors. The r eason for this is to convert the waste supplied as much as possible into recycled materials. Even if mixed building rubble is found by the contracting authority, for example on the public domain (illegal dump), this can be brought directly to the sorting line by the contracting authority to sort and dispose of it to recognized processors.local title:: Raamovereenkomst voor het inzamelen van gemengd bouwpuin op de recyclageparken, het vervoeren, o
Gt Ref Id - 104801065
Deadline - Apr 22, 2025
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