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Country - France
Summary - Framework Agreement For Multi-Recipient Services Provision Of Pest Control, Disinfestation And Disinfection Of Housing And Common Areas On The Property Of Grandlyon Habitat
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 74630071
Product classification - Rat-disinfestation services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 74630071
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The purpose of this framework agreement is to define the terms and conditions for carrying out rodent control, disinfestation (cockroaches and cockroaches) and disinfection of empty garbage columns on the assets of Grandlyon Habitat. This framework a greement is made up of preventive and curative services. The holder may be required to treat other pests such as wasp nests. The above-mentioned services are the subject of a single lot. This contract constitutes: - A multi-awardee framework agreement governed by articles L. 2125-1; R.2162-2 paragraph 2; R.2162-4 to R.2162-6; R.2162-13 and R.2162-14 of the public procurement code.- This framework agreement sets the contractual stipulations in a f
Gt Ref Id - 74630071
Deadline - Nov 21, 2023
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