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Country - France
Summary - Framework Agreement For Purchase Orders For Maintenance And Renovation Work On Existing Traveler Reception Areas And Work To Create Major Transit Areas
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 76501990
Product classification - Surface work for roads
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 76501990
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - The work covered by this framework agreement concerns maintenance work, renovation of existing Traveler areas (AAGV) and work for the creation of major passage areas (AGP) on the continental territory of Auray Quiberon Terre Atlantique.The contract i s considered, within the meaning of the provisions of articles R2162-2 paragraph 2, R2162-13 and R2162-14 of the Public Procurement Code, as a single-award framework agreement executed by means of the issuance of purchase orders to the holder, as needs arise. The framework agreement is concluded for a period of 48 months, from its notification. It cannot be renewed. The work is likely to vary, over the duration of the framework agreement, i.e. 48
Gt Ref Id - 76501990
Deadline - Jan 29, 2024
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