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Country - Czech Republic
Summary - "Free Light Chain Analysis Including Reagents, Consumables And Analyzer Rental"
Deadline - Jan 14, 2025
GT reference number - 99690299
Product classification - Diagnostic agents
Address - Czech Republic
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99690299
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Continuous supplies of reagents for the operation of an automatic analyzer for the analysis of free kappa and lambda light chains for the period of validity of the Framework Purchase Agreement (Annex No. 4 of the ZD) and free loan of 1 p iece of the analyzer with accessories including connection to the LIS and including full service support for the entire period of validity of the Analyzer Loan Agreement (Annex No. 5 of the ZD). The total expected quantity is 5,760 tests of free kappa light chains and 5,760 tests of free lambda light chains for 6 years. The subject includes free loan of 1 piece of the analyzer for the OKBD Náchod.local title:: „Analýza volných lehkých Å™etÄ
Gt Ref Id - 99690299
Deadline - Jan 14, 2025
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