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Country - Poland
Summary - Fuel Deliveries Over A 3-Year Period
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 93179898
Product classification - Diesel oil
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 93179898
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The subject of the order was divided into tasks according to the list below:Task No. 1Fuel delivery for the branch in Busko-Zdrój, ul. Partyzantów 4Diesel oil in the amount of 70,000 liters.Task No. 2Fuel delivery for the branch in Ję drzejów, ul. 11 Listopada 26Diesel oil in the amount of 75,000 liters.Task No. 3Fuel delivery for the branch in Kazimierza Wielka, ul. Kościuszki 14Diesel oil in the amount of 50,000 liters.Task No. 4Fuel delivery for the branch in Końskie, ul. 1-go Maja 44Diesel oil in the amount of 65,000 liters.Task No. 5Fuel delivery for the branch in Opatów, ul. Szpitalna 4Diesel oil in the amount of 70,000 liters.Task No. 6Fuel delivery for the branch i
Gt Ref Id - 93179898
Deadline - Oct 14, 2024
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