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Furniture And Household Appliances For Offices, Elderly Care And Public Environments

Arvidsjaurs kommun Sweden has Released a tender for Furniture And Household Appliances For Offices, Elderly Care And Public Environments in Furniture. The tender was released on Dec 05, 2024.

Country - Sweden

Summary - Furniture And Household Appliances For Offices, Elderly Care And Public Environments

Deadline - Jan 14, 2025

GT reference number - 99110805

Product classification - Furniture (incl. office furniture), furnishings, domestic appliances (excl. lighting) and cleaning products

Organization Details:

  Address - Sweden

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 99110805

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: The agreement shall, for successive calls during the framework agreement period, include a comprehensive range of office furniture, environmental furniture, homemaker furniture, conference furniture and elderly care furniture. Storage, e lectronics, home and household products regarding kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners and other furnishings (for example screens and notice boards etc.) that are adapted for municipal operations and home environments.local title:: Möbler samt hushållsapparater till kontor, äldreomsorg och offentliga miljöerContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Avtalet ska, för successiva avrop under Ramavtalstiden, omfatta ett heltäckande sortiment av

Gt Ref Id - 99110805

Deadline - Jan 14, 2025

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