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Country - Greece
Summary - Grass Cutting Works For Deforestation Of Areas In The Municipality Of Philis
Deadline - Jan 10, 2025
GT reference number - 98914851
Product classification - Hire of mowers or agricultural equipment with operator
Address - Greece
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98914851
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The subject of the contract concerns the clearing of native weeds and unwanted vegetation, in public areas, squares, sidewalks, kennels, in urban areas and on the shoulders of the communication roads of the various residential areas of t he Municipality of Fyli. It also concerns the fulfillment of the obligations of the Municipality arising from the provisions of article 94 par. B/26 of Law 3852/2010local title:: ΧΟΡΤΟΚΟΠΤΙΚΕΣ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΕΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΠΟΨΙΛΩΣΗ ΧΩΡΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΔΗΜΟΥ ΦΥΛΗΣContract Duration: : 60 MONTHContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Αντικείμενο της σύμβασης αφορά την αποψίλωσ
Gt Ref Id - 98914851
Deadline - Jan 10, 2025
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