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Country - Romania
Summary - Guard And Protection Services For The Objectives: 1. Policlinica Of The Municipality Of Săcele With Headquarters In County. Brașov, Săcele Municipality, Bishop Popeea, No. 20 And 2. Deposit Municipal Waste, Class B - Subobrej
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 104479139
Product classification - Guard services
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104479139
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: By the security and protection services during the period 01.04.2025-31.12.2025, for the objectives, located in the town of Sacele county Brașov, Aleea Episcop Popeea, no. 20 A post 12 hours/day for the interval Monday-Friday and Wareho use Municipal Wastes Subobrej A 24/24 guard post for Monday-Sunday. Guarding and protection services means: the provider provides security to the objectives mentioned above, in order to prevent the evaders of any kind, of the illegal penetration in the guarded objectives of the foreign persons, the preservation of order and peace within the objectives and the safety of the employed personnel.local title:: Servicii de pază și protecție pentru o
Gt Ref Id - 104479139
Deadline - Mar 12, 2025
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