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H = 8 Cm Concrete Parquet Stone H = 6 Cm Concrete Parquet Stone, H = 6 Cm Concrete Honeycomb Stone, H = 4 Cm White Marble Plate, H = 4 Cm Basalt Plaque, Basalt Border Stone, Concrete Parf Stone, Concrete Gutter Stone And Concrete Parquet Stone Repair (Patch Making) Laying Road Construction Work

KAHTA BELEDIYE BASKANLIGI Turkey has Released a tender for H = 8 Cm Concrete Parquet Stone H = 6 Cm Concrete Parquet Stone, H = 6 Cm Concrete Honeycomb Stone, H = 4 Cm White Marble Plate, H = 4 Cm Basalt Plaque, Basalt Border Stone, Concrete Parf Stone, Concrete Gutter Stone And Concrete Parquet Stone Repair (Patch Making) Laying Road Construction Work in Infrastructure and construction. The tender was released on Feb 19, 2025.

Country - Turkey

Summary - H = 8 Cm Concrete Parquet Stone H = 6 Cm Concrete Parquet Stone, H = 6 Cm Concrete Honeycomb Stone, H = 4 Cm White Marble Plate, H = 4 Cm Basalt Plaque, Basalt Border Stone, Concrete Parf Stone, Concrete Gutter Stone And Concrete Parquet Stone Repair (Patch Making) Laying Road Construction Work

Deadline - Mar 12, 2025

GT reference number - 103637810

Product classification - Construction work

Organization Details:

  Address - Turkey

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 103637810

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Road construction consisting of 10 items in totalDetailed information can be reached from the administrative specification within the tender document in EKAP.local title:: H=8 Cm Beton Parke Taşı H=6 Cm Beton Parke Taşı, H= 6 Cm Beto n Petek Taşı, H= 4 Cm Beyaz Mermer Levha, H=4 Cm Bazalt Plak, Bazalt Bordür Taşı, Beton Bordür Taşı, Beton Oluk Taşı ve Beton Parke Taşı Onarım (Yama Yapımı) Döşenmesi Yol Yapım İşiContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Toplam 10 Kalemden oluşan Yol YapımıAyrıntılı bilgiye EKAP’ta yer alan ihale dokümanı içinde bulunan idari şartnameden ulaşılabilir.

Gt Ref Id - 103637810

Deadline - Mar 12, 2025

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