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Country - Chile
Summary - Hardware Products Supply Agreement
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 101717680
Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Address - Chile
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 101717680
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Illustrious Municipality of Chonchi, hereinafter "The Municipality" through the Procurement Office, through this document, calls for Public Tender for the execution of the "Supply Agreement without automatic issuance of a purchase or der for hardware products for the I. Municipality of Chonchi", in order to provide these services to the different requirements requested by the Municipality in the commune of Chonchilocal title:: CONVENIO DE SUMINISTRO DE PRODUCTOS DE FERRETERIAlocal description: : La Ilustre Municipalidad de Chonchi, en adelante “La Municipalidad” por intermedio de la Oficina de Adquisiciones, mediante el presente documento, llama a Licitación Pública par
Gt Ref Id - 101717680
Deadline - Jan 24, 2025
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