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Country - Lithuania
Summary - Heat Supply Networks From Point "B" To Gamybos St. 8, Ramučiai Km. Kaunas District Weekly, Reconstruction
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 93989824
Product classification - Pipelaying construction work
Address - Lithuania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 93989824
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The purchasing entity intends to purchase heat supply network reconstruction works according to the technical work project " Heat supply networks from point "B" to Gamybos st. 8, Ramučių km., Kaunas district. week, reconstruction proje ct"notice_title: Heat Supply Networks From Point "B" To Gamybos St. 8, Ramučiai Km. Kaunas District Weekly, ReconstructionContract Duration: : 18.0local description: : Perkantysis subjektas numato pirkti šilumos tiekimo tinklų rekonstravimo darbus pagal techninį darbo projektą „Šilumos tiekimo tinklų nuo taško „B“ iki Gamybos g. 8, Ramučių km., Kauno r. sav., rekonstravimo projektas“Tender URL: : https://pirkimai.eviesiejipirkim
Gt Ref Id - 93989824
Deadline - Oct 04, 2024
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