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Country - Ukraine
Summary - Heparin-Pharmex Solution For Injection, 5000 Iu/Ml, 5 Ml In Vials, 5 Vials In A Contour Blister Pack, 1 Contour Blister Pack In A Box, Magnesium Sulfate-Darnytsya Solution For Injection, 250 Mg/Ml, 5 Ml In An Ampoule; 5 Ampoules In A Contour Blister Pack; 2 Contour Blister Packs In A Pack, Furosemide Solution For Injection 10 Mg/Ml In Ampoules Of 2 Ml No. 10
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99989414
Product classification - Medicinal products for the blood, blood-forming organs and the cardiovascular system
Address - Ukraine
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99989414
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: HEPARIN-PHARMEX solution for injection, 5000 IU/ml, 5 ml in vials, 5 vials in a contour blister pack, 1 contour blister pack in a box MAGNESIUM SULFATE-DARNYTSYA solution for injection, 250 mg/ml, 5 ml in an ampoule; 5 ampoules in a cont our blister pack; 2 contour blister packs in a pack Furosemide solution for injection 10 mg/ml in ampoules of 2 ml No. 10local title:: ГЕПАРИН-ФАРМЕКС розчин для ін'єкцій, 5000 МО/мл по 5 мл у флаконах, по 5 флаконів у контурній чарунковій упаковці, по 1 контурній чарунковій упаковці в коробці, МАГНІЮ СУЛЬФАТ-ДА
Gt Ref Id - 99989414
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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