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Country - Turkey
Summary - Highway Works Will Be Done Darica Municipality Directorate Of Technical Works
Deadline - Jan 06, 2025
GT reference number - 99919509
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Turkey
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99919509
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Construction Work, approximately 80,000 m2 of Bituminous hot mix (Asphalt) and 64,000 m2 of normal cement steam cured concrete paving stone road construction workDetailed information can be found in the administrative specifications in t he tender document in EKAP.local title:: KARA YOLU İŞLERİ YAPTIRILACAKTIRDARICA BELEDİYESİ FEN İŞLERİ MÜDÜRLÜĞÜContract Type: : Workslocal description: : Yapım İşi, yaklaşık 80.000 m2 Bitümlü sıcak karışım (Asfalt) ve 64.000 m2 normal çimentolu buhar kürlü beton parke taşı ile yol yapım işiAyrıntılı bilgiye EKAP’ta yer alan ihale dokümanı içinde bulunan idari şartnameden ulaşılabilir.
Gt Ref Id - 99919509
Deadline - Jan 06, 2025
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