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Country - Colombia
Summary - Hire The Issuance Of Insurance Policies That Protect The Geneal Risks, Movable And Immovable Property And Patrimonial Interests Owned By The Municipality Of Isnos - Huila And Those For L
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 102900344
Product classification - Life insurance services
Address - Colombia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102900344
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Hire the issuance of insurance policies that protect the geneal risks, movable and immovable property and patrimonial interests owned by the municipality of Isnos - Huila and those for which it is or will become legally responsible in th e bouquets of global management policies , Cars, extra -contractual civil liability, all risk of yellow machinery, life group mayor, Personero, 13 councilorslocal title:: CONTRATAR LA EXPEDICIÓN DE LAS PÓLIZAS DE SEGUROS QUE AMPAREN LOS RIESGOS GENEALES, BIENES MUEBLES E INMUEBLES E INTERESES PATRIMONIALES DE PROPIEDAD DEL MUNICIPIO DE ISNOS - HUILA Y DE AQUELLOS POR LContract Duration: : 305Díaslocal description: : CONTRATAR LA EXPEDICIÓN DE
Gt Ref Id - 102900344
Deadline - Feb 21, 2025
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