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Historical Park And Garden Construction Berkenbosch, Duinbeek And Westhove

STAATSBOSBEHEER Netherlands has Released a tender for Historical Park And Garden Construction Berkenbosch, Duinbeek And Westhove in Agriculture. The tender was released on May 30, 2024.

Country - Netherlands

Summary - Historical Park And Garden Construction Berkenbosch, Duinbeek And Westhove

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 82368941

Product classification - Tree pruning and hedge trimming

Organization Details:

  Address - Netherlands

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 82368941

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - Description: Carrying out gardening work (also called green management and cultural technical work) on the Berkenbosch, Duinbeek and Westhove estates. The work mainly consists of: • Avenue maintenance; • Pruning work; • Restore paths; • Maint enance of water features. Measures have been drawn up for each estate for the gardening work to be carried out. 1. Historic park and garden construction Berkenbosch: approx. 22 ha 2. Historic park and garden construction Duinbeek: approx. 9 ha 3. Historic park and garden construction Westhove: approx. 23 halocal title:: Historische park- en tuinaanleg Berkenbosch, Duinbeek en Westhovetype_of_procedure: Openbidding_response_method: Not Availablete

Gt Ref Id - 82368941

Deadline - Jun 27, 2024

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