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Country - Uzbekistan
Summary - Household And Construction Materials To Be Used To Transform An Old Warehouse In The Center Into A New Modern Administration Building
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GT reference number - 99922181
Product classification - Rubber and plastic materials
Address - Uzbekistan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99922181
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Andijon city ogahy kuchasi No3 house Andijon village group tarmokli medical center Budget mablaglari hisobidan shhr 100021860034017073101054002 MFO 00014 TIN 20023601054002 tel 950103050 tanlovda katnashuvchi shtirokchilar hujjatlarini o riginal takdim kilishi maksadga muvofiklocal title:: Марказ худудидаги эски омборхонани янги замонавий маъмурият биносига айлантириш учун кетадиган хужалик ва курилиш моллариlocal description: : Андижон шахар огахий кучаси №3 уй Андижон вилоят куп тармокли тиббиёт маркази Бю
Gt Ref Id - 99922181
Deadline - Nov 30, -0001
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