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Country - France
Summary - Household Waste Collection And Cleaning Of Voluntary Contributions From The City Center Of Chambéry On Weekends
Deadline - Mar 23, 2025
GT reference number - 104694330
Product classification - Refuse collection services
Address - France
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104694330
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The services are the subject of a framework agreement with order form without minimum and with maximum annual batch as follows: - lot 1: 83 200 euro (s) HT - lot 2: 52,000 Euro (s) HT - Lot 3: 26,000 Euro (s) HTlocal title:: Collecte des ordures ménagères et nettoyage de points d'apports volontaires du centre ville de Chambéry le week-endContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Les prestations font l'objet d'un accord cadre à bons de commande sans minimum et avec maximum annuel par lot défini comme suit : - lot 1 : 83 200 euro(s) HT - lot 2 : 52 000 euro(s) HT - lot 3 : 26 000 euro(s) HTNet Budget Euro: : 644800.0Net Budget LC: : 644800.0Tender URL: : http://marchespubl
Gt Ref Id - 104694330
Deadline - Mar 23, 2025
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