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Hydroxide Aluminum 0.218, Magnesium Hydroxide 0.35 Suspension For Peroral Use, Vial 170 Ml (Ordinary Salt Combinations); Carboxymaltose Iron, Injection And Infusion Solution, 50Mg/Ml - 10 Ml (Iron, Parenteral Preparations); Messalazine Suspension Rectal, Enemas 4.0 - 60Ml . Still

ВІЙСЬКОВА ЧАСТИНА А4615 Ukraine has Released a tender for Hydroxide Aluminum 0.218, Magnesium Hydroxide 0.35 Suspension For Peroral Use, Vial 170 Ml (Ordinary Salt Combinations); Carboxymaltose Iron, Injection And Infusion Solution, 50Mg/Ml - 10 Ml (Iron, Parenteral Preparations); Messalazine Suspension Rectal, Enemas 4.0 - 60Ml . Still in Healthcare and Medicine. The tender was released on Mar 05, 2025.

Country - Ukraine

Summary - Hydroxide Aluminum 0.218, Magnesium Hydroxide 0.35 Suspension For Peroral Use, Vial 170 Ml (Ordinary Salt Combinations); Carboxymaltose Iron, Injection And Infusion Solution, 50Mg/Ml - 10 Ml (Iron, Parenteral Preparations); Messalazine Suspension Rectal, Enemas 4.0 - 60Ml . Still

Deadline - Mar 20, 2025

GT reference number - 104459089

Product classification - Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products

Organization Details:

  Address - Ukraine

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 104459089

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Hydroxide Aluminum 0.218, Magnesium Hydroxide 0.35 Suspension For Peroral Use, Vial 170 Ml (Ordinary Salt Combinations); Carboxymaltose Iron, Injection And Infusion Solution, 50Mg/Ml - 10 Ml (Iron, Parenteral Preparations); Messalazine Suspension Rectal, Enemas 4.0 - 60Ml . Stilllocal title:: Алюмінію гідроксид 0,218, магнію гідроксид 0,35 суспензія для перорорального застосування, флакон 170 мл (Ordinary salt combinations); Заліза карбоксимальтоза, розчин для ін'єкцій та інфузій, 50мг/мл - 10мл (Iron, parenteral preparations); Месалазин с

Gt Ref Id - 104459089

Deadline - Mar 20, 2025

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