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Country - Mongolia
Summary - Improvement of 11.6 km of public footpaths and squares from the intersection of the Central Geology Laboratory to the circle of the officers' palace (Ulaanbaatar city, Moscow street, ETOCH) -2
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 92761195
Product classification - Footpath construction work
Address - Mongolia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 92761195
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Improvement of 11.6 km of public footpaths and squares from the intersection of the Central Geology Laboratory to the circle of the officers' palace (Ulaanbaatar city, Moscow street, ETOCH) -2notice_title: Improvement of 11.6 km of publi c footpaths and squares from the intersection of the Central Geology Laboratory to the circle of the officers' palace (Ulaanbaatar city, Moscow street, ETOCH) -2Contract Type: : Workslocal title:: ГЕОЛОГИЙН ТӨВ ЛАБОРАТОРИЙН УУЛЗВАРААС ОФИЦЕРУУДЫН ОРДНЫ ТОЙРОГ ХҮРТЭЛ 11,6 КМ НИЙТИЙН ЭЗЭМШЛИЙН ЯВГАН ХҮНИЙ ЗАМ, ТАЛБАЙН ТОХИЖИЛТЫН АЖИЛ (
Gt Ref Id - 92761195
Deadline - Sep 30, 2024
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