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Country - Romania
Summary - Information Service, Advertising And Organization Of Awareness Campaigns Within The Project, Modernization Of Road Infrastructure Of Dj 282 Between The Places: Hănești, Vlăsinești, Săveni, Drăgușeni, Coțușca, Rădăuți Prut With Direct Connectivity To The Rădăuți-Prut Transnational Customs With The Republic Of Moldova
Deadline - Jan 09, 2025
GT reference number - 99953551
Product classification - Advertising services
Address - Romania
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99953551
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: BotoÈ™ani County, purchases "Information, advertising and awareness campaign organization services within the project: "Modernization of the road infrastructure of county road DJ 282 between the localities: HăneÈ™ti, VlăsineÈ™ti, Săve ni, DrăguÈ™eni, CoÈ›uÈ™ca, RădăuÈ›i Prut with direct connectivity to the RădăuÈ›i-Prut transnational Customs with the Republic of Moldova", SMIS code 323710, according to the requirements of the advertising announcement and the documents attached to this announcement.local title:: Serv de informare, publicitate È™i organizare campanii de conÈ™tientizare în cadrul proiectului,,Modernizarea infrastructurii rutiere de DJ 282 dintre loc: HăneÈ
Gt Ref Id - 99953551
Deadline - Jan 09, 2025
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