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Country - Poland
Summary - Installation Circuit Breaker
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99953310
Product classification - Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99953310
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: ZEM Łabędy invites you to submit offers.local title:: WYŁĄCZNIK INSTALACYJNYlocal description: : ZEM Łabędy zaprasza do składania ofert. lot_details: 1: CIRCUIT BREAKER CLS6 B10 HNB10/1, 2: CIRCUIT BREAKER CLS6-B10/3 HNB10/3, 3: C IRCUIT BREAKER CLS6 B16 HNB16/1, 4: CIRCUIT BREAKER CLS6 B16/3 HNB16/3, 5: CIRCUIT BREAKER CLS6 C16 HNC16/1, 6: CIRCUIT BREAKER CLS6-C16/3 HNC16/3
Gt Ref Id - 99953310
Deadline - Dec 19, 2024
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