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Country - Poland
Summary - Installation Of Photovoltaic Panels On The Roofs Of The "Repty" Buildings Of The Upper Silesian Rehabilitation Center Named After General Jerzy Ziętek In Tarnowskie Góry
Deadline - Jan 10, 2025
GT reference number - 98569848
Product classification - Solar photovoltaic modules
Address - Poland
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 98569848
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the "Repty" buildings of the Upper Silesian Rehabilitation Center named after General Jerzy Ziętek in Tarnowskie Górylocal title:: Zabudowa paneli fotowoltaicznych na dachach budynkó w "Repty" Górnośląskie Centrum Rehabilitacji im. gen. Jerzego Ziętka w Tarnowskich GórachContract Duration: : 90 DAYContract Type: : Supplylocal description: : Zabudowa paneli fotowoltaicznych na dachach budynków "Repty" Górnośląskie Centrum Rehabilitacji im. gen. Jerzego Ziętka w Tarnowskich Górach category: supplies lot_details: 1: Installation of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of the "Repty" buildings of the Upper Silesian Rehabil
Gt Ref Id - 98569848
Deadline - Jan 10, 2025
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