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Country - Denmark
Summary - Joint Offer Of Laboratory Services Regarding Waste, Wastewater, Sludge, And Groundwater And Drinking Water
Deadline - Mar 05, 2025
GT reference number - 102504009
Product classification - Laboratory services
Address - Denmark
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 102504009
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Servia A.m.b.a offers on behalf of Gribskov Spildevand A/S, Halsnæs Spildevand A/S, Halsnæs Vand A/S and Halsnæs Affald A/S a contract for laboratory services regarding waste, wastewater, sludge and groundwater and drinking water. The contracts are divided in terms of performance and geographically as follows: Partial contract 1: Halsnæs Forsyning- Halsnæs Affald A/S- Halsnæs Spildevand A/S- Halnæs Vand A/SPartial contract 2: Gribskov Forsyning -Gribskov Spildevand A/SThe two partial contracts are offered as one package, i.e. only the partial contracts can be bid on together. The tenderer will therefore have to provide laboratory services to both Halsnæs and Gribskov For
Gt Ref Id - 102504009
Deadline - Mar 05, 2025
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