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Country - Estonia
Summary - Keskpuiestee 45 And Pargi Tn 1 Kiviõli Linn, Viru Tn 3 Püssi Linn And Jõe Tn 3 Erra Town Demolition Of Apartment Buildings
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 94638167
Product classification - Demolition work
Address - Estonia
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 94638167
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The Lüganus Municipal Government participates in the support measure for solving the problem of vacant apartment buildings in Ida-Viru county, funded by the Ministry of Finance. The purpose of the grant is to improve the quality of the living environment and the living conditions of the population in Ida-Viru County and to increase the value of residential real estate by reducing the number of low-value and underutilized apartment buildings in cooperation with the state and local government units. The purpose of the public procurement is to find a contractor for the demolition of four apartment buildings (Keskpuiestee 45 and Pargi tn 1 in Kiviõli, Viru tn 3 in Püssi and Jõe
Gt Ref Id - 94638167
Deadline - Oct 29, 2024
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