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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Land Compatience Khanarx Canal (Pk 151 + 30-Pk 155 + 50, Pk155 + 50-Pk 161 + 30, L = 1 Km) Concrete Coat And Overhauled Overhaul With Devices
Deadline - Apr 07, 2025
GT reference number - 104398573
Product classification - Concrete work
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 104398573
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Land Compatience Khanarx Canal (Pk 151 + 30-Pk 155 + 50, Pk155 + 50-Pk 161 + 30, L = 1 Km) Concrete Coat And Overhauled Overhaul With Deviceslocal title:: Torpaq məcralı Xanarx kanalın (PK 151+30-PK 155+50, PK155+50-PK 161+30, L=1 km ) beton üzlüyə alınması və üzərindəki qurğularla birlikdə əsaslı təmiri lot_details: 1: Chalov's capacity with 0.65 m3 with excavators of the opposite chain of the existing canal of the Channel of the Channel to the Khanarch Channel (PK 151 + 30-PK 155 + 50, L = 420 M) (repair work is carried out after the full cut of the channel - a temporary transfer can not be drilled), 2: Establishment of channel and dams with the capacity of 0.
Gt Ref Id - 104398573
Deadline - Apr 07, 2025
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