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Country - Sweden
Summary - Land Management & Winter Road Maintenance
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 94999437
Product classification - Grounds maintenance services
Address - Sweden
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 94999437
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The procurement covers grounds maintenance and winter cleaning for just over 100 properties distributed in three areas within Stockholm'smunicipality, North, South and City. Three properties are outside Stockholm municipality.The contrac t includes supervision, maintenance, fault-remedial maintenance and minor construction work under bare ground andthe snow period of external ground surfaces.notice_title: Land Management & Winter Road MaintenanceContract Duration: : 180 DAYContract Type: : Serviceslocal description: : Upphandlingen omfattar markskötsel och vinterrenhållning för drygt 100 fastigheter fördelat i tre områden inom Stockholmskommun, Norr, Söder och City. Tre fas
Gt Ref Id - 94999437
Deadline - Nov 22, 2024
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