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Landscaping Works On H. Aliyev Avenue, M. Mushfiq, X. Hasilova, Kh. Natavan, U. Hajibeyli, M. Mustafayev, M.P. Vagif Streets Of Gakh City, Including Shahidler Alley And Heydar Spring

QAX RAYON ICRA HAKIMIYYƏTI BASCISININ QAX SƏHƏR INZIBATI ƏRAZI DAIRƏSI UZRƏ NUMAYƏNDƏLIYI Azerbaijan has Released a tender for Landscaping Works On H. Aliyev Avenue, M. Mushfiq, X. Hasilova, Kh. Natavan, U. Hajibeyli, M. Mustafayev, M.P. Vagif Streets Of Gakh City, Including Shahidler Alley And Heydar Spring in Machinery and Equipments. The tender was released on Dec 19, 2024.

Country - Azerbaijan

Summary - Landscaping Works On H. Aliyev Avenue, M. Mushfiq, X. Hasilova, Kh. Natavan, U. Hajibeyli, M. Mustafayev, M.P. Vagif Streets Of Gakh City, Including Shahidler Alley And Heydar Spring

Deadline - login to view

GT reference number - 100111984

Product classification - Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services

Organization Details:

  Address - Azerbaijan

  Contact details - 565656565

  Tender notice no. - 76454545

  GT Ref Id - 100111984

  Document Type - Tender Notices

Notice Details and Documents:

Description - notice_title: Landscaping Works On H. Aliyev Avenue, M. Mushfiq, X. Hasilova, Kh. Natavan, U. Hajibeyli, M. Mustafayev, M.P. Vagif Streets Of Gakh City, Including Shahidler Alley And Heydar Springlocal title:: Qax şəhərinin H.Əliyev prospektində , M.Müşfiq , X.Hasilova , X.Natəvan , Ü.Hacıbəyli , M.Mustafayev , M.P.Vaqif küçələrində , o cümlədən Şəhidlər xiyabanında və Heydər bulağında abaqlıq işləri lot_details: 1: Excavation of soil by loading it into dump trucks with excavators with a bucket capacity of 0.5 (0.5-0.63) m3, soil group: 1, 2: Transportation of goods by dump trucks operating outside the quarry with a carrying capacity of 10 tons (code 400052). Tr

Gt Ref Id - 100111984

Deadline - Jan 14, 2025

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