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Country - Azerbaijan
Summary - Landscaping Works On H. Aliyev Avenue, M. Mushfiq, X. Hasilova, Kh. Natavan, U. Hajibeyli, M. Mustafayev, M.P. Vagif Streets Of Gakh City, Including Shahidler Alley And Heydar Spring
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 100111984
Product classification - Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
Address - Azerbaijan
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100111984
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - notice_title: Landscaping Works On H. Aliyev Avenue, M. Mushfiq, X. Hasilova, Kh. Natavan, U. Hajibeyli, M. Mustafayev, M.P. Vagif Streets Of Gakh City, Including Shahidler Alley And Heydar Springlocal title:: Qax şəhərinin H.Əliyev prospektində , M.Müşfiq , X.Hasilova , X.Natəvan , Ü.Hacıbəyli , M.Mustafayev , M.P.Vaqif küçələrində , o cümlədən Şəhidlər xiyabanında və Heydər bulağında abaqlıq işləri lot_details: 1: Excavation of soil by loading it into dump trucks with excavators with a bucket capacity of 0.5 (0.5-0.63) m3, soil group: 1, 2: Transportation of goods by dump trucks operating outside the quarry with a carrying capacity of 10 tons (code 400052). Tr
Gt Ref Id - 100111984
Deadline - Jan 14, 2025
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