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Country - Costa Rica
Summary - [Ld] Hiring Of Remodeling And Conditioning Services For Parks And Recreational Areas In The Canton Of Corredores
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 97554109
Product classification - Construction work
Address - Costa Rica
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 97554109
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Hiring of remodeling and conditioning services for parks and recreational areas in the Canton of Corredoreslocal title:: [LD] Contratación de servicios de remodelación y acondicionamiento de parques y zonas de recreo en el Cantón de C orredoresContract Duration: : 1 Añoslocal description: : Contratación de servicios de remodelación y acondicionamiento de parques y zonas de recreo en el Cantón de Corredores lot_details: 1: DEMOLITION SERVICE FOR CONCRETE WORKS, 2: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK, 3: OUTDOOR CONCRETE BENCH WITH BACKREST, PORT TYPE, 200 cm, 100 cm WIDTH, 0.86 cm HIGH, GREY COLOR, REINFORCED WITH STEEL STRUCTURE, 4: WALL DEMOLITION SERVICE, 5: PATH CONSTRUCT
Gt Ref Id - 97554109
Deadline - Nov 18, 2024
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