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Country - Costa Rica
Summary - [Ld] Purchase Of Seed And Feed For Mariculture Projects Mudecoop Stage G / Coopedelimar
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 100117221
Product classification - Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
Address - Costa Rica
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 100117221
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Purchase of Seed and Feed for Mariculture Projects MUDECOOP Stage G / COOPEDELIMARlocal title:: [LD] Compra de Semilla y Alimento para Proyectos de Maricultura MUDECOOP Etapa G / COOPEDELIMARContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : C ompra de Semilla y Alimento para Proyectos de Maricultura MUDECOOP Etapa G / COOPEDELIMAR lot_details: 1: SEA SHRIMP POSTLARVES: LITOPENAEUS VANNAMEI SPECIES, APPROX. WEIGHT 6 mg, FULL INTESTINE, SIZE HOMOGENEITY, NO PARASITES, NO MELANOSIS, PACKED IN PLASTIC BAGS WITH OXYGEN AND GOOD QUALITY WATER, NO DISEASES, ACTIVE, PRESENTATION IN A BAG WITH 1000 UNITS., 2: BALANCED FEED FOR TROUT 42%, EXTRUDED, SIZE 3X3 mm, PELLETIZED, PRESENTATION 30 kg BA
Gt Ref Id - 100117221
Deadline - Dec 26, 2024
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