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Country - South Africa
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 62357921
Product classification - Retail trade services
Address - South Africa
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 62357921
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - SOL PLAATJE UNIVERSITY [hereinafter referred to as SPIT)REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR THE LEASE OF RETAIL SPACES FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARSSPU Reference REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL: LEASE OF RETAIL SPACES FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARS(RFP: SPU-COO-PM-2022-Ot . LEAS E OF RETAIL SPACES FOR A PERIOD OF 3 YEARS! (hereinafter referred to 88 RFP)NAME OF SERVICE PROVIDER: .The Department Property Management of the Sot Poatje University, Kimberley rcqjcsts information freer elgtDle serveĀ® providers to respond to ths RFP by submrtng proposes for the lease of retail spaces for different ratal options as listed within the Uriversty The University would .jue a ServeĀ® Provder/8 that wil te proactaw and nnovafive in it
Gt Ref Id - 62357921
Deadline - Mar 15, 2023
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