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Country - Sweden
Summary - Liming 2025-2028
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 99609963
Product classification - Environmental services
Address - Sweden
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 99609963
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: The municipality of Marks hereby invites interested tenderers to submit tenders for the purchase of lime, transport and spreading of lime in lakes and wetlands by boat, car and helicopter, in accordance with this procurement document, in cluding any attachments.local title:: Kalkning 2025-2028Contract Duration: : 89 DAYContract Type: : Servicelocal description: : Marks kommun inbjuder härmed intresserade anbudsgivare att inkomma med anbud på inköp av kalk, transport och spridning av kalk i sjöar och våtmarker med båt, bil och helikopter, i enlighet med detta upphandlingsdokument, inklusive ev. bilagor. category: services lot_details: 1: Mandatory requirements
Gt Ref Id - 99609963
Deadline - Jan 29, 2025
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