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Country - United Kingdom
Summary - Living Lab - Installation Of A Standalone, Environmentally Controlled Testing Laboratory At Tŷ Gwyrddfai, Penygroes, Gwynedd / Labordy Byw - Gosod Labordy Unigol, WediI RheoliN Amgylcheddol Yn Nhŷ Gwyrddfai, Penygroes, Gwynedd
Deadline - login to view
GT reference number - 80846920
Product classification - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Address - United Kingdom
Contact details - 565656565
Tender notice no. - 76454545
GT Ref Id - 80846920
Document Type - Tender Notices
Description - Description: Living Lab - Installation Of A Standalone, Environmentally Controlled Testing Laboratory At Tŷ Gwyrddfai, Penygroes, Gwynedd / Labordy Byw - Gosod Labordy Unigol, WediI RheoliN Amgylcheddol Yn Nhŷ Gwyrddfai, Penygroes, Gwyneddadditiona l_tender_url: title:: Living Lab - Installation of a standalone, environmentally controlled testing laboratory at Tŷ Gwyrddfai, Penygroes, Gwynedd / Labordy Byw - Gosod labordy unigol, wedii rheolin amgylcheddol yn Nhŷ Gwyrddfai, Penygroes, Gwyneddnetbudgetlc: 200000.0type_of_procedure: Openbidding_response_method: Not Available
Gt Ref Id - 80846920
Deadline - Dec 28, 2023
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